
Getting Started

Patients and Relatives

Meddinfo provides medical information to patients and relatives towards accessing healthcare.

Facility Owners

Meddinfo showcases details of healthcare facilities, their service offerings and how to contact them.

Health Professionals

Meddinfo assist professionals in helping patients find healthcare facilities including laboratories, pharmacies, etc


24/7 online access

Details of healthcare facilities services are made available online 24/7


Details of facilities and services included in the catalogue in an easy to understand manner.


Easily Indicate details of your facility clinic or visiting days, time and duration.

Details and Pricing

Indicate special features about your medical facility as well as prices of services.

Facilities Reviews

Stay in touch with patient impression of your services, read and respond to reviews.

Listings Support

Our team is always available to provide support and respond to any listing problems.

Health Insurance

Indicate the health insurance companies your facility has accredited.

Facilities Contact

Receive direct mails from patients via the custom facility listing contact form .

Get started creating your facility listing...

You can submit your facility listing now.